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  • What the U.N.’s AI Advisory Group Will Do

What the U.N.’s AI Advisory Group Will Do

Also: Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI’s chief scientist, on his hopes and fears for the future of AI


The U.N. Secretary-General announces a new AI advisory group set to influence the potential formation of a U.N. agency dedicated to AI governance. Meta faces criticism over its AI data deletion request process, which artists label as a mere "PR stunt." Harvard Business Review highlights the role of AI in aiding leaders during decision-making under high-pressure situations. OpenAI establishes a new team focusing on diminishing the risks associated with AI technologies. Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI’s chief scientist, discusses the implications and challenges of artificial superintelligence in an interview. Shutterstock rolls out AI-driven tools for image editing, while Arteria AI secures $30 million in a Series B funding round led by GGV Capital.


  • 🌐 What the U.N.’s AI Advisory Group Will Do

  • 🧑🏽‍🎨 Artists Allege Meta’s AI Data Deletion Request Process Is a ‘Fake PR Stunt’

  • 🧑🏽‍💼 How AI Can Help Leaders Make Better Decisions Under Pressure

  • ⚠️ OpenAI Is Starting a New Team to Reduce Risk From Future AI

  • 🤖 Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI’s chief scientist, on his hopes and fears for the future of AI

The U.N. Secretary-General, António Guterres, has introduced a new advisory group focused on understanding and providing guidance on the challenges presented by AI. Although the group itself won't have direct authority, its insights could shape the creation of a U.N. agency dedicated to AI governance. The advisory body consists of 39 experts from various sectors worldwide, with notable figures from academia, industry, government, and civil society. They aim to facilitate a global dialogue to ensure AI's benefits are widely shared and its risks managed. This body will release an interim report by the end of 2023 outlining potential strategies for AI governance, followed by a final report by August 31, 2024, which could propose the structure and functions of an international AI governing agency. The group's recommendations might steer the formation of this agency if there's sufficient political will during a forthcoming summit. The U.N. envisions playing a central role, leveraging its experience in managing emerging technology challenges, to ensure AI governance benefits all of humanity.

Artists and writers are voicing concerns about how AI companies utilize their work without permission for machine learning training. In response, some firms, like OpenAI, have introduced "opt-out" programs. This summer, Meta appeared to introduce a similar feature, allowing individuals to request the removal of their data from the company's AI training. However, artists have found the process challenging and ineffective, with many receiving a standard response stating Meta is "unable to process the request" without evidence of personal data use. Although seen by many as Meta's version of an opt-out system, the company clarified that their form is not for opting out and they have no intention of removing data from their platforms. The efficacy of such tools remains in question as no one has reported successfully having their data deleted using Meta's process.

In a recent article published by Harvard Business Review, the role of AI in assisting leaders with decision-making under pressure is examined. As the business landscape becomes increasingly complex and fast-paced, leaders often find themselves making critical decisions under tight time constraints. The article suggests that AI, with its data analysis and predictive modeling capabilities, can provide valuable insights that allow leaders to make more informed decisions rapidly. By integrating AI tools into their decision-making processes, leaders can reduce cognitive biases, ensure a broader consideration of available data, and thereby improve the quality of their decisions even in high-pressure scenarios. The emphasis is on the fusion of human intuition and AI-powered data analytics to achieve optimal outcomes.

OpenAI is launching a new team dedicated to minimizing the risks associated with AI technologies. As AI systems continue to advance and integrate into various aspects of daily life, there are rising concerns about their potential misuse and unintended consequences. OpenAI's initiative underscores its commitment to ensuring AI advancements remain beneficial for humanity, emphasizing the importance of addressing potential pitfalls while promoting innovation. This move is indicative of the broader industry trend where tech giants are increasingly focused on creating responsible and ethical AI solutions.

In a recent exclusive interview with MIT Technology Review, Ilya Sutskever, the co-founder and chief scientist of OpenAI, shared his profound insights on the trajectory of artificial intelligence. Conducted in the heart of San Francisco's Mission District, Sutskever opened up about the groundbreaking nature of AI, describing its potential as "monumental" and "earth-shattering." While his contributions to generative models like GPT have been transformative, Sutskever disclosed a pivotal shift in his focus. Moving away from solely developing generative models, he is now deeply engrossed in exploring the implications of artificial superintelligence. His renewed priority revolves around understanding its challenges and developing measures to mitigate potential threats, underscoring the urgency of addressing AI's ethical and safety dimensions in the evolving landscape.

🛠️ AI tools updates

Shutterstock has introduced AI-powered tools that allow users to edit its vast image library. Among these tools is "Magic Brush", enabling users to modify images by simply brushing over them and specifying desired changes. While the AI image editor is in beta, it can generate alternate versions of images, expand backgrounds, and even automatically resize images. Importantly, Shutterstock will pay artists for licensed images post-editing but will not license AI-edited or generated content to protect intellectual property and ensure proper compensation. Shutterstock's CEO, Paul Hennessy, touts this as an unparalleled offering in the stock photography domain. The company also plans to upgrade its AI image generator using OpenAI’s DALL-E. Meanwhile, competitors like Adobe and Canva are also delving into AI-driven image editing, with both unveiling their own sets of tools.

💵 Venture Capital updates

Arteria AI, a company specializing in applying artificial intelligence to modernize documentation infrastructure particularly for the financial sector, recently secured a significant investment of $30 million in a Series B funding round. This round was spearheaded by GGV Capital U.S., marking a notable instance of oversubscription. The financial influx drew participation not only from GGV Capital but also retained the interest of major existing investors from its previous funding round, such as Illuminate Financial and Information Venture Partners among others. Additionally, this Series B round saw involvement from Citi and BDC Capital, thereby broadening the spectrum of institutional support for Arteria AI. This successful round of funding has propelled Arteria AI's total investment capital to an impressive sum of $50 million to date.

🫡 Meme of the day

⭐️ Generative AI image of the day