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  • Sci Fi “Genesis” Movie Trailer made with Generative AI

Sci Fi “Genesis” Movie Trailer made with Generative AI

Also: How Automation Will Increase Demand for Data Professionals


The trailer for the sci-fi movie "Genesis" was creatively constructed using AI, showcasing the fusion of human creativity and machine learning tools, a trend which might reshape the film industry. Contrary to popular belief, the rise of AI automation may amplify the need for data professionals, as they validate and ensure compliance of burgeoning data volumes, and maintain AI-driven software applications. In the animation sector, renowned graphic artist Karla Ortiz expresses concern over the unchecked usage of generative AI models that exploit artists' work. Meanwhile, Japan is embarking on an ambitious plan to develop generative AI for enhancing scientific discovery and fortifying national competitiveness. In AI tools, AutogenAI emerges as a promising solution that leverages large language models to craft tailored pitches, enhancing efficiency. Lastly, applied AI firm Tractable, which provides visual assessment tools for insurance companies, has secured a $65M SoftBank-led investment.


  • 🍿 Sci Fi “Genesis” Movie Trailer made with Generative AI

  • 🤓 How Automation Will Increase Demand for Data Professionals

  • 🖼️ An artist explains why Marvel's use of AI to animate a sequence is worrying

  • 🏯 Japan to develop generative AI to speed scientific discovery

The movie trailer for "Genesis," a dystopian sci-fi epic, was created with AI by Nicolas Neubert, a senior product designer at Elli by Volkswagen. The trailer caused quite a stir on social media, but there is no actual movie, just the trailer. Neubert utilised AI as a creative toolbox to shape his vision, spending over a thousand hours and generating thousands of images and videos. The key elements of the trailer, such as the concept, story, editing, and music, were still handled by him, demonstrating the synergy of human creativity and AI tools. Neubert emphasised the importance of world-building and storytelling skills, even as technology enables high-quality content generation. Experts believe that this blend of AI and human creativity could revolutionize the film industry, making high-quality production accessible to more people and changing the landscape of content creation.

Despite predictions that AI automation will subsume a significant portion of white-collar work, including data analysis, it will instead increase the demand for data professionals. As AI automates tasks like writing SQL and charting data, it opens up space for data teams to focus on validating and ensuring compliance of the rising volumes of data from various sectors of the company. Consequently, data teams will play an indispensable role in software procurement, ensuring that the AI tools being evaluated work as promised. After AI tools are deployed, data teams will also be responsible for tuning, optimizing, and debugging the AI features of software applications, and providing necessary training data. Therefore, while AI may operate at a higher level of abstraction, it will still necessitate a greater number of professionals to monitor models and manage data pipelines powering business systems.

Karla Ortiz, a renowned graphic artist who has contributed to Marvel's major properties, voices her concerns over the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Marvel's latest production "Secret Invasion". Ortiz highlights that generative AI models, which utilize artists' work as training data, are not only replacing jobs in the industry but also taking away artists' ability to consent, their due credit, and their deserved compensation. This exploitation of artwork, Ortiz claims, is taking place on an enormous scale, making it almost impossible for human artists to compete. Furthermore, Ortiz is engaged in a lawsuit to fight against this practice, emphasizing that the current theory of 'fair use doctrine' cited by AI companies and producers for reproducing images without paying artists may not hold up in the long term.

Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology is planning to develop a homegrown generative artificial intelligence (AI) program, aimed at speeding up scientific discovery and increasing national competitiveness. The AI, designed to create medical and scientific hypotheses by learning from research papers and images of experiments, will initially focus on medical and material research. Spearheaded by the Riken research institute, the project has an estimated cost of $212 million and an eight-year timeline, with its release to researchers nationwide planned for fiscal 2031. The government will augment research infrastructure, including a new supercomputer in 2024 and increased computing power for Riken's Fugaku supercomputer. This effort is seen as pivotal for Japan's international competitiveness in scientific research.

🛠️ AI tools updates

AutogenAI uses large language models, including those from OpenAI, in combination with client-specific data to create highly tailored pitches based on a client's most successful past work. The tool speeds up the process of writing strong pitches by 800%, which the CEO, Sean Williams, claims reduces procurement costs by 10% and cuts the time to write first drafts by 70%.

💵 Venture Capital updates

Applied AI firm Tractable, known for its AI-driven visual assessment tools for insurance companies, has secured $65M in a Series E investment round led by SoftBank Vision Fund 2. Other participants include existing investors Georgian and Insight Partners. Tractable plans to use the funds to expedite research and development and introduce new features. The company's AI evaluates damages to homes and vehicles based on user-submitted photos, thus increasing the efficiency of insurance claims procedures. Since its Series D funding round in 2021, Tractable has expanded its offerings and built relationships with high-profile clients in the insurance and automotive industries.

🫡 Meme of the day

⭐️ Generative AI image of the day