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  • President Biden Issues Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy AI

President Biden Issues Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy AI

Also: EU welcomes G7 leaders' agreement on Guiding Principles and a Code of Conduct on AI


In today's edition, we delve into President Biden's landmark Executive Order aimed at steering the ethical development of AI, which encompasses rigorous standards for AI systems and international collaboration for AI governance. Concurrently, the EU has endorsed a G7 initiative fostering AI safety and harmonized regulation. A pivotal legal development sees a federal judge limiting a copyright lawsuit against AI firms, a decision highlighting the complexities of AI's interface with copyright law. On another front, the Nuclear Threat Initiative calls for immediate action to prevent the misuse of AI in biosciences, given both its vast promise and grave risks. Canadian public servants voice mixed feelings about AI's role in government, juxtaposing its benefits against accountability concerns. In a strategic move, the U.S. reshapes visa policies to attract global AI talent, strengthening its competitive stance. Meanwhile, startups witness a potential reshaping of their landscape due to the new AI executive order's safety and educational initiatives, even as Adept's innovative AI tool signals a revolution in personalized web experiences.


  • 🇺🇸 President Biden Issues Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy AI

  • 🇪🇺 EU welcomes G7 leaders' agreement on Guiding Principles and a Code of Conduct on AI

  • 👩🏻‍⚖️ Judge pares down artists' AI copyright lawsuit against Midjourney, Stability AI

  • ⚠️ Urgent Steps Needed to Safeguard Rapidly Advancing AI-Bioscience Technologies

  • 🇨🇦 Four in five Canadians raise accountability concerns over AI in government

  • 🛂 Understanding The Reshaped Visa Policies Under The AI Executive Order

President Biden's Executive Order marks a significant step toward ensuring the United States remains at the forefront of AI development while addressing the potential risks associated with its use. The order implements stringent safety and security standards for AI, safeguards privacy, promotes equity and civil rights, and supports consumer and worker protections. It mandates the sharing of safety test results for critical AI systems with the government, sets up standards for AI-enabled biological material engineering, and calls for the creation of content authentication methods to combat AI-generated misinformation. Moreover, the order advances fair practices in housing and criminal justice, encourages innovation and competition in AI development, and supports the workforce through principles that mitigate AI's adverse effects on jobs. Internationally, the order promotes collaboration for AI safety and governance, and domestically, it calls for responsible AI use within the government. This initiative is part of a larger effort to create a robust framework for AI's ethical development and deployment, and it complements international efforts to govern AI responsibly, signaling an ongoing commitment to work with Congress on bipartisan AI legislation.

Today, the European Commission expressed approval for the G7 leaders' endorsement of new International Guiding Principles on Artificial Intelligence and a voluntary Code of Conduct for AI developers, as part of the Hiroshima AI process. These initiatives aim to promote the safe and trustworthy deployment of advanced AI technologies while reflecting the values of the EU. The principles advocate for risk mitigation, responsible information sharing, and cybersecurity investments, accompanied by a labelling system for AI-generated content. Developed in collaboration with G7 members, these guidelines are designed to be dynamic, with plans for regular updates through inclusive consultations. The move complements the EU’s own legislative efforts with the AI Act, signaling a commitment to globally harmonized standards for AI governance and urging AI developers to adhere to these norms to ensure the technology's integrity and security. The G7 Hiroshima Artificial Intelligence Process underscores a broader international conversation on AI safety and ethics, reinforcing the EU's position at the forefront of AI regulation.

In a significant ruling, a federal judge in California has downsized a lawsuit by artists against AI companies Stability AI, Midjourney, and DeviantArt, who were accused of misappropriating copyrighted artworks to train their generative AI systems. Judge William Orrick dismissed several claims, including all allegations against Midjourney and DeviantArt, allowing the possibility for an amended complaint. The dismissal was partly because the plaintiffs, except Sarah Andersen, did not meet the legal requirement of registering their works with the U.S. Copyright Office. Andersen can still pursue her main claim against Stability AI. The judge was not convinced that AI-generated images infringed copyrights, as substantial similarity to the original works was not demonstrated. The outcome reflects ongoing legal challenges in defining the intersection of AI and copyright law.

A report by Nuclear Threat Initiative highlights the pressing need for new governance and technical measures to safeguard against the misuse of rapidly progressing AI-bioscience technologies. As these advancements hold the potential for significant benefits in bioscience, such as vaccine development and climate change mitigation, they also pose risks of misuse that could lead to global biological catastrophes. The report, considering insights from over 30 experts, outlines six urgent recommendations including the establishment of an international AI-Bio Forum, a revamp of governance approaches, implementation of AI guardrails, research on additional safeguard measures, strengthening of biosecurity controls, and using AI to enhance pandemic preparedness. The call to action underscores the critical balance of promoting scientific innovation while preventing potential biosecurity threats.

A survey conducted by the Global Government Forum has revealed a complex perspective among Canadian public servants towards AI in government, with a notable blend of enthusiasm and apprehension. While there's significant interest in AI for data processing and real-time monitoring of services, concerns loom large regarding accountability for AI-driven decisions, with 81% of respondents worried about responsibility issues. Additionally, there's anxiety over potential over-reliance on AI, which could erode public service autonomy and decision-making. The survey underscores a pressing need for a balance between leveraging AI's capabilities and maintaining ethical standards and human oversight in government operations.

The U.S. is reshaping its visa policies under an AI Executive Order to remain competitive in the global talent market. The EO aims to improve the processes for foreign workers and scholars, particularly in high-tech fields. Key provisions include simplifying visa renewal for J-1 and F-1 holders, modernizing H-1B visa rules to provide more job flexibility and predictability, updating the J-1 skills list to close labor gaps, and initiating a Global AI Talent Attraction Program to harness international AI expertise. These efforts reflect a strategic move to strengthen the U.S.'s position as a leading destination for high-skilled workers and to bolster its innovation-driven economy.

🛠️ AI tools updates

Adept, an AI startup, is pushing the envelope of web customization with its new AI tool, which can revamp websites like Airbnb to better suit individual user needs. Showcased by research engineer Amelia Wattenberger, this tool uses large language models to read and understand on-screen elements, allowing it to reconstruct a website in real-time based on user preferences. This could mean generating personalized pages that highlight specifics like Wi-Fi stability or proximity to certain locations. Adept's innovation signifies a shift towards more interactive and user-centric web experiences, moving away from the static interfaces of the past.

💵 Venture Capital updates

President Biden's executive order on AI establishes a broad framework of safety and security standards that may significantly influence how startups operate. It sets requirements for red-team testing, labeling AI-generated content, and developing standards for AI in biological material engineering. The order also aims to transform education with AI and streamlines visa processes for skilled workers. These standards will likely push startups to intensify safety measures, while those in biotech may face increased scrutiny. The order's focus on educational tools could open federal funding opportunities, and visa policy changes may enhance startups' access to global talent.

🫡 Meme of the day

⭐️ Generative AI image of the day