OpenAI announces GPT-4 Turbo

Also: OpenAI unveils personalized AI apps as it seeks to expand its ChatGPT consumer business


OpenAI has unveiled GPT-4 Turbo, marking a significant leap in AI capabilities with enhanced context understanding and the ability to summarize lengthy documents, complemented by cost reductions for developers. The company's vision extends to a user-centric AI marketplace, including the imminent GPT Store, which promises revenue opportunities for creators. At the same time, OpenAI is pushing the envelope with personalized AI applications that could revolutionize consumer engagement across various tasks. Microsoft's reaffirmation of support underscores the intensified race in AI advancements. Meanwhile, LazyApply demonstrates the practical applications of AI in job searches, albeit with mixed reception from industry professionals. In the realm of global AI governance, Stanford HAI and The Asia Foundation's collaborative program offers the Asia Pacific a nuanced approach to AI integration and policy-making. Collectively, these updates signal a transformative era for AI's role in development, deployment, and its broadening horizons in both consumer and enterprise domains.


  • 🆕 OpenAI announces GPT-4 Turbo

  • 🤖 OpenAI unveils personalized AI apps as it seeks to expand its ChatGPT consumer business

  • 😴 This AI Bot Fills Out Job Applications for You While You Sleep

  • 🏫 Stanford HAI and The Asia Foundation Announce “AI Perspectives from Asia” Program

OpenAI has introduced GPT-4 Turbo, the most advanced AI model to date, which not only expands context understanding up to April 2023 but also increases input capacity significantly, allowing for summarizing of documents up to 300 pages. This model, now in preview for developers, supports enhanced features like DALL-E 3 image generation, text-to-speech with multiple voice options, and is more cost-effective for developers with reduced token prices. Additionally, OpenAI now allows anyone to create custom ChatGPT bots without coding, promising a new 'GPT Store' where creators can earn revenue based on usage. These developments position OpenAI competitively in the AI landscape against giants like Google and Meta, leveraging its rapid user and enterprise adoption. The company also announced streamlined AI tools for image generation, browsing, and summarization, alongside a commitment to legally support users against copyright infringement claims, indicating a holistic approach to user support and platform integration.

OpenAI has launched a marketplace for personalized AI applications, or "GPTs," aiming to broaden its ChatGPT consumer platform, as CEO Sam Altman announced at their first developer conference. These apps are designed to perform tasks ranging from teaching to booking flights, with a future GPT Store planned for users to distribute and monetize their creations. The move follows a prior unsuccessful attempt to develop a ChatGPT plugin ecosystem. OpenAI has also revealed cost reductions and a new GPT-4 Turbo model for its 2 million developers, as well as APIs that include vision and image capabilities. The company seeks to encourage more developers and enterprises to engage with its models, positioning itself against competitors like Google and Meta Platforms. In this vein, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, whose company has invested over $10 billion in OpenAI, reaffirmed his support at the conference. Additionally, OpenAI introduced a Custom Models program for enterprises, promising to handle legal costs from copyright claims, intensifying the race to advance foundational AI models.

LazyApply is an AI-powered service that automates job applications, allowing software engineer Julian Joseph to apply for 5,000 jobs and secure about 20 interviews. Despite some inaccuracies and a low success rate, Joseph found the time saved justified the $250 investment. Recruiters have mixed feelings about such technology, with some seeing it as a sign of an unserious candidate while others are indifferent to the application method. Other companies offer similar services, highlighting the job search as a numbers game, but industry experts suggest quality over quantity and the importance of networking. Some recruiters can identify when a bot has been used, which can sometimes disadvantage candidates. Despite the potential for indiscriminate application, Joseph feels the tool allowed him to focus on networking and improved interview skills, though not all matches were perfect. He eventually landed a contract job through LazyApply and secured interviews at prestigious organizations through personal connections.

Stanford University's Institute for Human-Centered AI (HAI) and The Asia Foundation have launched the "AI Perspectives from Asia" program aimed at assisting policymakers and civil society in the Asia Pacific region to better understand and manage the impact of artificial intelligence (AI). The initiative seeks to generate research, educational training, and host discussions to enable effective AI integration and address potential risks associated with the technology. It emphasizes the creation of opportunities for policymakers to engage with AI advancements, societal impacts, and consider appropriate policy and regulatory frameworks. Both organizations aim to support a global dialogue on AI governance by sharing insights and learning from various international approaches to ensure that AI development remains human-centered and beneficial to the region.

🛠️ AI tools updates

DevDay announcements include the launch of GPT-4 Turbo, enhancing GPT-4 with a 128K context window, improved knowledge up to April 2023, and a pricing reduction, alongside the new Assistants API designed to help developers create AI-powered applications. The update also brings improvements to function calling, instruction following, JSON response formats, and reproducible outputs. OpenAI introduces new features such as log probabilities, an updated GPT-3.5 Turbo with a 16K context window, and new modalities like vision capabilities for GPT-4 Turbo. DALL·E 3 is now accessible through an API for direct integration, and a text-to-speech API is released with human-like voice options. Additionally, OpenAI is offering experimental access to GPT-4 fine-tuning, a Custom Models program for extensive customization, and a Copyright Shield to defend customers from copyright infringement claims. The Whisper large-v3 model for improved ASR performance and the Consistency Decoder for better image outputs are also introduced. To support scaling, rate limits for tokens per minute have been doubled for paying GPT-4 customers.

💵 Venture Capital updates

The Schwarz Group, owner of Lidl supermarkets, is spearheading a significant $500 million investment in Aleph Alpha, a leading German AI start-up specializing in generative AI technology. This investment, backed by various high-profile investors including Bosch's venture capital arm and supported by research grants and commitments for joint business development, aims to bolster Aleph Alpha's unique position in the competitive generative AI market. Despite the challenge of competing with giants like OpenAI, Google, and Meta, Aleph Alpha distinguishes itself by focusing on data protection and transparency, particularly for sensitive sectors. With a valuation around €500 million, the investment reflects confidence in Aleph Alpha's strategy of offering sovereign and secure AI solutions, as the company seeks rapid expansion and establishes itself as a major player in the AI landscape, independent of the large tech conglomerates.

🫡 Meme of the day

⭐️ Generative AI image of the day

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