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  • Meta to start labeling AI-generated content in May

Meta to start labeling AI-generated content in May

Also: Half of Japanese University Students Have Used Generative AI


Meta is set to implement "Made with AI" labels on AI-generated content on platforms like Facebook and Instagram starting May 2024, aiming to boost transparency and tackle deepfake misinformation, especially during elections. In Japan, half of university students are using generative AI tools like ChatGPT, prompting academic institutions to establish guidelines against unapproved AI-generated work to preserve academic integrity. Huawei's AI model Zhiji, evolving from Pangu-Weather, introduces advanced weather forecasting with significantly improved accuracy and detail. Google is exploring a shift in its revenue model, considering charging for AI-powered search features, reflecting a broader trend of monetizing AI advancements. In the realm of web browsers, AI is being increasingly integrated to enhance user experience, with Opera and Brave leading the way in offering AI-powered tools with a focus on privacy. In venture capital news, Jony Ive and Sam Altman aim to raise $1 billion for an innovative AI hardware device, potentially changing how users interact with AI technology in daily life.


  • 🏷️ Meta to start labeling AI-generated content in May

  • 🇯🇵 Half of Japanese University Students Have Used Generative AI

  • 🇨🇳 China’s Huawei is challenging traditional weather forecasting again, this time with groundbreaking AI model Zhiji

  • 💳 Google reportedly planning to charge users for its AI-powered search

Meta, led by Facebook and Instagram, has decided to introduce "Made with AI" labels for media created or modified using AI technologies. This move is aimed at increasing transparency and addressing the growing concerns about deepfakes and their potential for misinformation, particularly in significant election periods globally. The labels will highlight AI-generated content like videos, audios, and images and will use a more prominent label for those at a higher risk of misleading the public. This labeling initiative, set to start in May 2024, follows advice from Meta's oversight board and will be implemented in two phases, with the second phase ending the previous practice of removing manipulated media that doesn't violate other platform rules. This policy adjustment reflects a broader shift in the tech industry towards greater cooperation in managing AI-manipulated content, as evidenced by Meta, Google, and OpenAI's agreement on a common watermarking standard.

In a recent survey by the National Federation of University Co-operative Associations in Japan, it was found that half of the university students have utilized generative AI tools like ChatGPT, with around 30% using them regularly. The main use cases include assistance with writing papers and reports, translation and foreign language composition, and seeking advice or companionship. Despite the widespread usage, there's growing concern and caution from educational authorities regarding the ethical implications, such as the potential for academic dishonesty and the undermining of genuine learning. The Ministry of Education in Japan has expressed concerns about the unedited submission of AI-generated work, while notable institutions like the University of Tokyo and Sophia University have established strict guidelines against the unapproved use of AI-generated content in academic submissions.

Huawei's Pangu-Weather AI model, now enhanced with the new iteration called Zhiji, is setting new benchmarks in weather forecasting by providing highly accurate and rapid predictions. Initially released in August of the previous year and acknowledged as China's top scientific innovation in 2023, Pangu-Weather demonstrated remarkable capabilities, like delivering seven-day weather forecasts in just 10 seconds, vastly outpacing traditional methods. Zhiji, built on Pangu-Weather's foundation, offers even more detailed predictions with a spatial resolution improved to 3km. This development signifies a major leap forward in weather forecasting, allowing for precision that was previously unattainable. The model's successful application in Shenzhen showcases its potential in delivering advanced weather insights, such as wind speed, temperature, humidity, and precipitation forecasts. While AI models excel in certain areas like tracking typhoon paths, they are integrated with numerical simulations for a comprehensive weather prediction approach.

Google is contemplating incorporating its AI-powered search features into its premium subscription model to recover some of the extensive costs incurred from generative AI development. This strategy, initially reported by the Financial Times, marks a significant shift from Google's traditional revenue model, potentially placing core services behind a paywall for the first time. Google's premium services already offer advanced AI tools like the Gemini AI assistant in Gmail and Docs, with plans to extend these offerings. The proposed change, indicating a movement toward monetizing AI capabilities, could set a precedent in the tech industry, prompting other companies like Amazon, OpenAI, and Microsoft to consider similar revenue models to manage their AI investments. These developments are part of the broader industry trend where significant investments are being funneled into AI innovation, including projects like the 'Stargate' AI-driven supercomputer data center initiative by Microsoft and OpenAI.

🛠️ AI tools updates

The web browsing experience is evolving with the introduction of AI-powered tools across various platforms. Opera is setting a unique trend by allowing users to download and run open-source AI models locally within the browser, offering a blend of online capability and privacy. Similarly, Brave's AI chatbot, Leo, integrates AI in a privacy-centric manner, now available on iOS following its Android release. These innovations signify a shift toward more personalized and efficient browsing experiences, leveraging AI to cater to user needs directly within the browser environment.

💵 Venture Capital updates

Jony Ive, formerly of Apple, and Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, are collaborating on a venture to create a groundbreaking AI hardware device, aiming to secure $1 billion in funding from various venture capital firms. This initiative, which has been under discussion since 2023, intends to introduce a product reminiscent of the impact of the iPhone, leveraging OpenAI's technology, notably ChatGPT. The device, still unnamed and not resembling a traditional smartphone, could feature a novel, screenless interface, drawing parallels to other minimalist AI devices like the Humane AI pin. These developments signify a move towards AI technology that integrates deeply with daily life while raising questions about functionality, user experience, and privacy. As the market anticipates these innovative AI solutions, the AI community watches closely to see if these devices will fulfill their promises and reshape how humans interact with technology.

🫡 Meme of the day

⭐️ Generative AI image of the day