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  • Japan joins U.S.-led effort to regulate military use of AI

Japan joins U.S.-led effort to regulate military use of AI

Also: YouTube will label AI-generated videos that look real


Today's newsletter highlights key global advancements in AI and technology: Japan, alongside 44 countries, has endorsed a U.S.-led initiative to regulate AI in military use, addressing the growing integration of AI in defense and its alignment with international humanitarian law. In business, the Harvard Business Review emphasizes the importance of structured prompts for maximizing AI effectiveness, introducing the Prompt-Query Alignment Model (PQAM). Additionally, the booming market for AI-themed domain names reflects the sector's rapid growth, while YouTube's new policy to label AI-generated videos signifies increasing efforts to regulate AI content. Finally, Australia launches its first AI Month, focusing on national discussions about the future of AI, signifying a significant step in the country's journey in AI innovation and application.


  • 🇯🇵 Japan joins U.S.-led effort to regulate military use of AI

  • 📝 Improve Your Company’s Use of AI with a Structured Approach to Prompts

  • 🏎️ The race to buy AI website addresses

  • 🏷️ YouTube will label AI-generated videos that look real

  • 🇦🇺 Australia’s first ever AI Month launches

Japan, along with 44 other countries, has endorsed a U.S.-led initiative to regulate the military use of AI. This move comes as AI becomes increasingly integrated into defense systems, raising concerns about the potential risks and unintended consequences of its unregulated use. The Japanese Foreign Ministry expressed its commitment to this initiative, emphasizing the importance of reducing these risks and ensuring that military applications of AI comply with international humanitarian law. This initiative, which Japan has been following since its launch in February, aims to establish guidelines and standards for the responsible use of AI in military contexts.

This Harvard Business Review article emphasizes the critical role of prompts and fine-tuning in maximizing the effectiveness of AI applications in business. It introduces a framework called the Prompt-Query Alignment Model (PQAM) for businesses to optimize their use of AI. The article explains that while AI tools like GPT-4 and other large language models are powerful, their full potential is often untapped due to poorly crafted prompts. PQAM, consisting of a prompt library, prompt customization, and a feedback loop, is suggested as a solution. This approach ensures that AI outputs align with specific business needs and objectives. The article highlights the importance of precise, well-structured prompts and the continual refinement of AI models to achieve better results, emphasizing the synergy between human intelligence and machine capabilities as key to unlocking AI's full potential in the business world.

BBC reports a soaring demand for AI-themed domain names, driving up prices significantly. Tech entrepreneur Ian Leaman's experience in purchasing Pantry.ai for his startup exemplifies this trend, where domain names featuring 'AI' are increasingly seen as valuable assets. The market for these domains is becoming fiercely competitive, with some names selling for six figures. This surge is fueled by the growing prominence of AI startups and technologies. The article also touches on the roles of domain registrars and brokerages in this booming market, as well as the speculative nature driving up domain values. This trend underscores the importance of domain names in company branding and digital identity in the AI sector.

YouTube's new policy to alert viewers when they are watching AI-generated videos. This policy mandates content creators to disclose the use of AI or digital tools in creating realistic-looking altered or synthetic videos, with failure to comply risking account removal or suspension of advertising revenue. This move is a response to the proliferation of generative AI technology, including deepfakes, which can create lifelike images, video, and audio. The concern is over the potential misuse of this technology, such as creating misleading depictions of events or people. The article also notes similar policies by other platforms like Meta and TikTok, highlighting the growing industry trend to regulate AI-generated content. YouTube's policy, which includes labeling and removal options for AI-generated content violating community guidelines, aims to balance creative possibilities of AI with its potential pitfalls, particularly in sensitive areas like elections, ongoing conflicts, and public health crises.

Australia's first ever AI Month, an initiative by the National AI Centre (NAIC) within CSIRO, has been launched to foster discussions and shape the future of AI in the country. Running from November 15 to December 15, the event aims to unite AI organizations, entrepreneurs, and researchers to showcase Australia's AI expertise and discuss national perspectives on AI. Stela Solar, NAIC Director, emphasizes AI Month's role in promoting a responsible and inclusive AI future for Australia, highlighting the need to harness AI advancements for global competitiveness. The month-long event features over 50 AI-related events, including workshops, panel discussions, hackathons, and conferences, encouraging learning and skill development in AI. The initiative was officially inaugurated by the Minister for Industry and Science, Ed Husic, marking a significant step in Australia's AI journey.

🛠️ AI tools updates

GraphCast is a revolutionary AI model developed for faster and more accurate global weather forecasting. Unlike traditional methods that rely on Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), GraphCast utilizes deep learning and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to process vast amounts of historical weather data. It delivers highly accurate 10-day weather forecasts in under a minute, far surpassing the capabilities of the industry-standard High Resolution Forecast (HRES) system. GraphCast's efficiency and accuracy are evident in its ability to predict extreme weather events, cyclone tracks, atmospheric rivers, and extreme temperatures, enhancing preparedness and potentially saving lives. Its high-resolution forecasts cover over a million grid points across the Earth, predicting various atmospheric and surface variables. Notably, in performance evaluations, GraphCast outperformed HRES in over 90% of test variables, demonstrating its potential to significantly advance the field of weather forecasting.

💵 Venture Capital updates

Transcend, a gaming-focused firm, has successfully raised nearly $60 million for its second early-stage fund, underlining the industry's shift from a niche to a mainstream investment segment. This growth is illustrated by the involvement of mainstream investors and the launching of substantial gaming-focused funds by major firms. High-profile acquisitions and funding rounds for gaming startups are highlighted, showcasing the sector's rapid evolution and increasing attractiveness to investors. The report also discusses the challenges and opportunities in the gaming investment space, noting the changing investor attitudes and the expanding scope of the industry, driven by developments in mobile gaming and new, more accessible game development technologies.

🫡 Meme of the day

⭐️ Generative AI image of the day

Before you go, check out Superintelligent AI: The Doomers podcast.