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  • Gen Z doesn't really mind AI influencers, according to new study

Gen Z doesn't really mind AI influencers, according to new study

Also: Writers and publishers in Singapore reject a government plan to train AI on their work


Today's newsletter highlights diverse developments across the AI landscape, reflecting its growing influence in various sectors. A recent study shows Gen Z's acceptance of AI influencers, revealing a demographic shift in the perception of authenticity in digital marketing. Autodesk's innovative Project Bernini is set to transform 3D modeling by allowing conversion from text and images into detailed 3D designs, marking a leap in design technology. In Singapore, writers and publishers are pushing back against government plans to train AI using local literary works, citing concerns over intellectual property rights and compensation. Meanwhile, SK Telecom is advancing its AI initiatives, aiming to leverage its AI technologies for improved services and global market competitiveness. In the U.S., President Biden will announce a substantial investment by Microsoft to build an AI data center in Wisconsin, promising new jobs and a boost in local tech education. Additionally, the 2024 Work Trend Index by Microsoft and LinkedIn sheds light on AI's accelerating integration into workplaces, emphasizing the necessity for strategic AI implementation to maximize productivity and innovation. In the coding sector, IBM has open-sourced its generative AI models, aiming to enhance software development efficiency. On the venture capital front, Samsung Medison's acquisition of Sonio SAS highlights its commitment to integrating AI in medical diagnostics, specifically in prenatal care.


  • πŸ§’ Gen Z doesn't really mind AI influencers, according to new study

  • πŸ«– Autodesk's AI turns text or still images into 3D models

  • ✍️ Writers and publishers in Singapore reject a government plan to train AI on their work

  • πŸ“± SK Telecom eyes tangible results from AI business in 2024

  • πŸ’΅ Biden to announce $3.3 billion AI investment by Microsoft at scaled-back Foxconn site once touted by Trump

  • πŸ“ƒ Microsoft and LinkedIn release the 2024 Work Trend Index on the state of AI at work

A new study by Sprout Social indicates that Generation Z is quite receptive to AI influencers on social media, with 46% of respondents expressing increased interest in brands that utilize AI for influencer marketing. This openness contrasts with older generations, where authenticity in marketing holds more importance. Gen Z’s acceptance is part of a broader trend where this demographic values the number of followers over the perceived authenticity of the content. However, the study also highlights concerns among human influencers, with nearly half fearing job displacement due to AI counterparts. These findings reflect the evolving landscape of digital marketing where AI is becoming an integral part, especially among younger audiences who are less concerned with the traditional authenticity that older generations value.

Autodesk is unveiling a groundbreaking AI technology called Project Bernini, which demonstrates the potential to revolutionize 3D design and modeling. This tool allows designers and architects to generate 3D models from text prompts or 2D images, simplifying the transition from conceptualization to visualization. Project Bernini intelligently interprets inputs to produce detailed, geometrically accurate 3D models, distinguishing itself by prioritizing correct topology and smooth surfaces that are crucial for professional design workflows. Although still in the experimental phase and not yet available to the public, Autodesk's innovation could significantly enhance productivity and democratize access to advanced design tools. This initiative also suggests a future where Autodesk may offer this technology in a web-based format, potentially broadening its accessibility similar to platforms like ChatGPT.

In Singapore, the literary community is voicing significant opposition against the government's proposal to use their works for training a multilingual LLM. This model is intended to better represent Singapore's diverse cultural and linguistic backdrop by being trained on local works in languages such as Malay, Mandarin, and Tamil. However, writers are concerned about the lack of clarity regarding compensation, copyright protection, and the potential misuse of their works. Despite the government's emphasis on the educational and developmental benefits of this initiative, the response from the literary community has been one of apprehension and skepticism. Notable figures like Gwee Li Sui have outright refused to participate, citing concerns over how their intellectual property will be handled and the broader implications of AI on cultural representation. This resistance is part of a global trend where creators are increasingly cautious about how their works are utilized in AI development, demanding clearer regulations and fair compensation.

SK Telecom, South Korea's leading mobile carrier, is actively enhancing its AI investments to produce significant outcomes by the end of 2024. The company is focusing on accelerating its AI Pyramid strategy, which encompasses AI Infrastructure, AI Transformation, and AI Services. This initiative includes the development of a Korean version of a (LLM specifically designed for telecom applications, aiming for completion and commercialization by mid-year. This effort is supported by collaboration with various SK Group affiliates and U.S. companies to improve data center capabilities and AI chipset development. Moreover, SK Telecom plans to leverage its expansive user data across 60 countries to build a competitive edge in the global AI market, positioning itself for better negotiation power with tech giants and significant economies of scale in AI technology.

President Joe Biden is set to announce a significant $3.3 billion investment by Microsoft for the construction of a new AI data center in Racine, Wisconsin. This site was originally designated for a $10 billion Foxconn technology manufacturing facility, heavily promoted by former President Donald Trump as a significant boost to U.S. tech manufacturing. However, Foxconn significantly scaled back its plans, leading to the creation of far fewer jobs than anticipated. Microsoft's investment aims to transform this site into a hub for AI innovation, promising to create 2,000 permanent jobs and employing 2,300 union construction workers. Additionally, Microsoft is collaborating with Gateway Technical College to establish a training facility, aiming to prepare 1,000 locals for future data center and STEM roles by 2030. This initiative is part of a broader effort by the Biden administration to promote economic growth through substantial investments in infrastructure and clean energy.

The 2024 Work Trend Index, jointly released by Microsoft and LinkedIn, illustrates a significant shift in how AI is shaping the workplace. The report, derived from a survey of 31,000 individuals across 31 countries, labor trends, Microsoft 365 data, and Fortune 500 research, reveals that AI integration has become crucial in the workforce. Nearly double the usage of generative AI in the last six months underscores the rapid adoption, and while 75% of knowledge workers now utilize AI, a stark majority of leaders view AI proficiency as essential for competitiveness. However, there exists a challenge as 59% of these leaders struggle with quantifying AI's productivity gains. The report stresses the urgency for companies to formulate clear AI strategies as 78% of AI users are bringing personal AI tools to work, risking data security and missing out on comprehensive benefits. Leaders are encouraged to harness this momentum to amplify business impact significantly. The survey also highlights a growing trend where workers, facing a high pace and volume of tasks, find AI tools critical for managing workloads and enhancing creativity, indicating that AI is not just a tool for efficiency but also a catalyst for innovation in the workplace.

πŸ› οΈ AI tools updates

IBM has recently open sourced a series of generative AI coding models that are trained in an extensive array of 116 programming languages. This development is geared towards enhancing the productivity of enterprise developers by providing tools capable of writing code, generating unit tests, writing documentation, running vulnerability tests, and explaining as well as fixing code errors. By making these models publicly available, IBM aims to foster broader innovation and application across various software development tasks, potentially streamlining significant portions of the coding and development process.

πŸ’΅ Venture Capital updates

South Korea's Samsung Medison, a subsidiary of Samsung Electronics holding a 68.45% stake, has announced its acquisition of Sonio SAS, a French AI software company specializing in fetal ultrasound technology. The deal, valued at approximately 126 billion won ($92.4 million), signifies Samsung Medison's strategic expansion into specialized medical AI applications. This acquisition is poised to enhance its product offerings in the medical diagnostics field, integrating Sonio’s innovative AI solutions to improve diagnostic accuracy and efficiency in prenatal care.

🫑 Meme of the day

⭐️ Generative AI image of the day