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  • Apple’s Vision Pro headset ushers in a new era of personal technology

Apple’s Vision Pro headset ushers in a new era of personal technology

Also: ASEAN launches guide for governing AI, but experts say there are challenges


Apple's Vision Pro headset emerges as a pivotal innovation, heralding a new era of augmented-reality experiences that push the boundaries of personal device interaction despite concerns over its comfort, battery life, and cost. In the realm of AI, Nobel laureate Abhijit Banerjee from MIT warns that an AI-driven work-free society might not equate to increased happiness, urging a nuanced examination of AI's impact on employment and personal fulfillment. Meanwhile, China's launch of the world's first AI commercial hypersatellite, "Rongpiao," signifies a major leap in space technology, promising to revolutionize future communication networks. On the regulatory front, ASEAN's new AI governance framework faces challenges due to the varying digital maturity levels across member states, highlighting the complexities of establishing unified AI policies. In the arena of cybersecurity, IBM researchers unveil a method to hijack phone calls using AI-generated voices, raising significant concerns for personal and financial data security. The AI art world sees innovation with the Midjourney Niji 6 anime AI art generator, offering enhanced capabilities for creating detailed anime images. Lastly, the venture capital landscape reflects a shift in investment priorities, with generative AI attracting significant funding at the expense of quantum computing, despite the latter's potential for transformative impacts in various sectors.


  • 🍏 Apple’s Vision Pro headset ushers in a new era of personal technology

  • 😐 AI 'work-free society' may not be happier, says Banerjee of MIT

  • 🛰️ China launches world's first in-orbit AI commercial hypersatellite

  • 🌏 ASEAN launches guide for governing AI, but experts say there are challenges

Apple's Vision Pro headset represents a shift in personal technology, introducing an augmented-reality experience that could redefine user interaction with devices. Despite early critiques about its comfort and battery life, coupled with a high price point, the headset is part of a broader trend towards gadgets controlled by AI, voice, and gestures, moving away from traditional screens and inputs. This innovation is part of a wave of new devices aiming to replace smartphones as the central piece of consumer technology, leveraging AI to create more intuitive and personalized user experiences.

Abhijit Banerjee, a Nobel laureate from MIT, discusses the complexities of a future society potentially reshaped by artificial intelligence, emphasizing that while AI can drastically alter job landscapes, especially in sectors like business process outsourcing, its potential in improving education and healthcare should not be overlooked. However, he cautions against assuming a work-free society would automatically lead to greater happiness, highlighting experiments where individuals preferred working to receiving money without work. Banerjee suggests that the relationship between technology, employment, and happiness is intricate, with implications for social welfare and personal fulfillment that deserve careful consideration.

China has launched the world's first in-orbit AI commercial hypersatellite from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, marking a significant advancement in space technology. Developed by Guoxing Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd., the satellite, named "Rongpiao" or "Xingshidai-18," is equipped with a sixth-generation satellite brain system. This AI satellite aims to verify the synaesthesia fusion AI algorithm in orbit and enhance future communication networks by integrating a remote platform capability. This launch also included the deployment of nine other satellites, showcasing China's growing capabilities in space technology and international collaboration with the launch of Egypt's NExSat-1 satellite.

ASEAN has introduced an initial framework for AI governance, aiming to promote responsible AI use across its member states. This guide seeks to establish common principles for trustworthy AI and suggests best practices for its implementation. However, the diverse digital development stages of ASEAN countries present significant challenges in policy alignment and implementation. The guide includes national and regional recommendations for responsible AI system design, development, and deployment, highlighting the need for coordinated efforts in managing AI risks and fostering public-private collaboration in AI governance.

🛠️ AI tools updates

IBM researchers have discovered a method using generative AI to hijack voice calls, posing risks to financial institutions and personal data security. This technique, known as "audio-jacking," involves voice cloning and manipulating conversations in real-time to redirect funds or alter sensitive information. Cybersecurity experts highlight the ease with which voice scams can now be executed, noting that just a few seconds of someone's voice can be enough to create a convincing clone. Despite the technological advancements, there are still hurdles, such as response lags and the varying quality of voice clones.

The Midjourney Niji 6 anime AI art generator introduces advanced capabilities for creating detailed and customized anime images, leveraging an alpha version to enhance the visual storytelling and artistic expression within the anime community. This tool allows users to generate complex anime images closely aligned with their original concepts, incorporating specific prompts for dynamic actions and integrating text into images for added narrative depth. It offers customizable style options and upscaling levels to refine image quality, catering to diverse aesthetic preferences and expanding creative possibilities.

💵 Venture Capital updates

Venture capital funding for quantum computing has seen a notable decline, nearly halving to about $1.25 billion in 2023 from its peak years, influenced by the surging interest in generative AI. This shift reflects a broader trend in investment priorities, as generative AI demonstrates immediate operational applicability, contrasting with quantum computing's more experimental and long-term research status. Despite this, significant investments in quantum computing by governments highlight its anticipated strategic importance, especially in areas like national defense and climate change, underscoring a balanced view of technology's future role.

🫡 Meme of the day

⭐️ Generative AI image of the day